Our Mission Is People Before Profit

rebel Financial is a financial firm that is dedicated to people, no matter the size of their wallet. rebel Financial specializes in making decisions that make it easier for anyone to get the help that they need in order to be successful. We promise to give more value to financial planning by allowing our clients to pursue nontraditional investing strategies, unlike other firms that push cookie-cutter plans. We give you the freedom of choice in planning for a financially conscious and sustainable future. 

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We are more than Retirement & Investment Managers

We don’t just manage your money, we are your financial coaches and your partners, through the good times and bad. Our specialties aren’t just planning for long-term goals, but for all your steps in life. In order to reach your goals and pursue your best interests, we can assist you with all the little things. 

Values We Live By

Fee-Only & Fiduciary

rebel Financial is an independent, fee-only Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) that was created to serve our clients’ best interests first. We work hard to reduce bureaucracy, increase efficiency, stay at the cutting edge of technology, limit conflicts of interest, innovate unceasingly to improve, and strive to find ever more ways to add more value to our clients.

Close-knit Team

A team is only as strong as it individual parts. Fortunately, one of the strengths of being small is that we have the ability to recruit, train, and monitor all of our team members on an individual basis. We are proud to be a bit eccentric and hire people that genuinely want to work here and serve you. We are proud of the wonderful team we have and actively work to empower them to serve you.

Invest In Your Values

Here at rebel Financial, we aim our focus on serving you and your ideas. The degree of our guidance comes down to your needs. We want to best serve you and your endeavors through systematic, comprehensive components that seamlessly blend with your ideals. Think of us as the advisor that wants to side with your values and makes them grow alongside your goals. We offer multiple value-based plans that most other advisors do not have.

Let's Help You Get Started

Consultation appointments with us are free! See what we can do for your values and future.