
rF Live Broadcast Peter Englebrecht of Speedy Sneakers

Speedy Sneakers

Before Speedy Sneakers, Peter traveled the world as a Corporate Auditor, visiting every continent except for Australia; “I absolutely loved that job,” says Peter. While auditing, Peter created a running program on the side in order for him and his wife to be active without going to the gym. Speedy Sneakers first started out as a walking and running club for women. Peter states “It was just ladies, because I knew that the ladies were really good about community, that they said if they were gonna be somewhere, they will be there.”

The program met twice a week at a metro park to train and work on their goals. Peter marketed Speedy Sneakers as a noncompetitive, healthy, recreational, fun program. Peter created a personalized training program for each member and their goals. The goals ranged from simply wanting to get in better shape to competing in a half-marathon. Peter never had any experience creating training programs for others, but he had the confidence he could help them with their goals. “I really did care about them, in the aspect that I really wanted them to reach their goals,” says Peter.


Eventually, a charity asked Peter for guidance in organizing their race. With only two weeks before the race, Peter wouldn’t have enough time to organize it properly, so instead, he went to analyze the race and give pointers. The race ended up with poor organization and planning so Peter offered to help formalize the event for the next year. While doing so, Peter noticed a niche in the market where people and programs didn’t want to pay event holders/planners who charge too much. Peter expanded Speedy Sneakers charging a loss cost than competitors with that charity being his first client.

Since then, Speedy Sneakers has expanded their events and services all throughout the Ohio region. They host events all throughout Ohio such as Toledo, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. Speedy Sneakers offers three types of services such as Track and Cross country timing, planning events for charities, and creating events.


If you are interested in creating a race or making a fundraiser, contact Speedy Sneakers here. 

If you want to participate in an event, view Speedy Sneaker’s events here.

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