
rebel Financial's Estate Planning Services

Making estate planning services more simple, affordable, and convenient for our clients.

Estate planning meeting

Why should you

Make an estate plan?

When you die without an estate planning service, you may be at the mercy of the court. The results are not likely what you would want and it could be costly. Having an estate plan allows you to move your assets to your loved ones quickly and ease the process for your loved ones. It also plans for your incapacity. Being incapacitated can be a bigger burden then death on your family.

Having the right estate plan matters. That’s why rebel Financial has created several options to help our existing clients to get their estate plan completed more easily and cost effectively so that you can take care of those most important to you. 

Check out our

Estate planning options


Our Affinity Partner Estate Attorney

Is your estate plan more complex or do you need more guidance to determine how your estate plan should be formulated? No problem! Our partner estate attorney, Arenstein & Andersen, can help you customize your plan.


In-House: Trust & Will

With Trust&Will, you can create a comprehensive and legally-binding estate plan from the comfort of your own home.

Trust&Will offers a user-friendly interface that guides you through the estate planning process step-by-step. Their platform provides a range of customizable options, ensuring your estate plan meets your specific needs and preferences.


Your Preferred Attorney

Have an attorney that you already know and love? At your own expense, do your estate planning through them and we will facilitate in any way that we can, update your financial plan with the updated estate information, and electronically organize/store your documents in your rFPW Vault.

Determine your costs & sign up

Get Started! Pick the option that best suites your needs. Your total quoted cost will appear under “Your Total Is” and click “Submit” when you are ready!

*Note* Our Estate Planning Service is only available for on-going clients with rebel Financial. The max available credit is $1250; it is possible, depending on your hours used in meetings/consultations with an attorney, that you may be incur fees beyond the calculated results below, however, over 90% of our clients that have completed their plans have come in on or under our budgeted calculations below.

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