Do you want to trust your financial future to an algorithm? Work with us so that we can keep the humanity in your financial planning while leveraging powerful technological tools.
Have you ever gone online and Googled the words, “Financial Advice?” When you do, you get over three million results. That are a lot of places that want to tell you what to do with your money. There are new websites that take your information, run it through their calculators, and generate automated financial advice with recommendations about how you should invest your assets and plan for your future. They’re called “Robo Advisors” but they’re not real advisors because they’re not real people.
Robo Advisors crunch data and spit out cookie-cutter recommendations based on financial formulas they have created. Robo Advisors don’t know your family, your history, or your personality. They don’t know how you feel about your children or your charities. They don’t understand what you hope to accomplish with your money. Here’s the question, “How can you trust financial advice from a source that doesn’t actually know who you are or how you feel?” You can’t. Why? Because you are a person not a number; you’re an individual, not an algorithm.
To get personalized advice, you want a qualified financial advisor who knows you not a computerized avatar that thinks it does. You want an advisor with proper credentials and credibility, supported by an organization with compliant process and protocol. That’s what we have; that’s who we are. We have the ability to understand you better than any computer program.
Of course, we have the latest innovative technology, too, but we use our technology differently. We use technology to support our expertise not to replace it. We analyze, evaluate, and interpret your data to provide advice, specifically for you. Advice about how to achieve your unique financial goals.
Robo Advisors can crunch numbers but numbers are only part of your story. The formula we follow puts you in the center of the equation and that’s exactly where you want to be.
rebel Financial is a Registered Investment Advisor that provides retirement planning, estate planning, financial planning, and investment management services to individual and institutional clients. To get a more detailed description of the company, its management, and practices, view our (form ADV, Part2A) and Disclosures.
Fiduciary & Fee-Only Financial Advisors and Planners
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