

rebel Financial (rF) 401k Plan:


We have built one of the best 401k platforms in the industry and we are proud to share it with you.  We specialize in serving small to medium plans: from start-up to $10,000,000.  Our plan was built from scratch in an open architecture platform.  We can help you design almost any kind of retirement plan and bundle it together into an efficient and beautiful benefit for you and your employees.


Types of Plan designs:

 There are many plan designs that we can accomplish for you but our most popular and cost effective are:

  • Our Basic Safe Harbor 401k Plan – With this plan every participant gets 3-4% contribution from the employer and there are no frils; just good investment options and simple design.
  • Our Safe Harbor Profit Sharing 401k Plan – This plan is designed to maximize employer contributions during good years while retaining the ability to cut back during tougher years.  It is especially efficient for small professional practices with high profit margins, where the owner is looking for large yearly tax deferrals while rewarding employees.

We also have the ability to design custom plans to fit your business, but doing so can increase administrative costs so we want to make sure the benefits out-weigh the costs.  Some of these additional plan designs include:

  • Non-Safe Harbor 401k Plans – This plan is designed to maintain efficient employer contributions during good years while retaining the ability to be frugal in tougher years.  It is efficient for larger businesses that would like to motivate employees in good years but also want to be able to scale back on retirement expenses in tougher years.
  • Pension (Cash Balance & Defined-Benefit) Plans – For those with the most profitable businesses that want the maximum deferral and retirement capability. We will bundle your 401k with your pension, take care of record-keeping, TPA, and actuarial work so you can have the maximum benefit for the best value.
  • Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Plans – Call us for details about this plan design.
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) – Call us for details about this plan design.

What makes us different?

 As opposed to most 401k providers:

  • We are a fiduciary to you and your employees:  We have a legal obligation to look out for your and your employees best interests before our own.  We take this responsibility seriously and are one of the few investment companies that are willing to share this burden with employers.
  • We do not share revenue with the investment/insurance companies: The only people that pay us are your and your employees and we transparently disclose our compensation to you on a continual basis.
  • We pick your fund line-up and update it on a continual basis: No more wondering if you are fulfilling your fiduciary duties by having the right funds and monitoring them to make sure that they are living up to expectations.  We do this for you automatically and actually go to great lengths to make sure that we have a great selection of investments, that we keep costs down, and maintain a good mix of great managers and index funds.
  • We have “Managed Portfolios” for you and your employees: What this means is that we have pre-packaged portfolios in which we pick the funds, monitor them on a continual basis and rebalance automatically for you and your employees.  Normally these services are reserved for private clients that have large IRAs with financial firms but we do this as part of our standard 401k plan. (View our Model Portfolio brochure)
  • Bundled service to simplify your life: You will only ever have to talk to us.  We take care of the Recordkeeper and the Third Party Administrator (TPA) so that your life is simple; just call us and we’ll take care of it for you.
  • Our costs are well below industry average for small-mid size plans: In an industry where average costs for smaller plans are well above 2%, we try to keep even our smallest plans below 2%/yr in total costs.

Check out our current investment line-up:

How much does it cost?

Our plan is very efficient and considering that most plans under a $1,000,000 are funded through group annuity contracts costing more than 2%/year plus TPA costs, which raise many plans over the 3%/year threshold.  It is important to note that costs can vary widely based on the plan design and how large your plan is but to give you a general idea:

Example 1: A Basic Safe Harbor 401k Plan with 5 participants and $250,000 plan asset total would cost:

  • Employer Fees:
    • TPA/RK flat fee: $1500/yr.
    • Individual fee for service items.
  • Employee Fees:
    • 0.7% from rF + 0.1% TPA/RK + 0.04% Custodian = 0.84%
    • Average Investment Option Management Fee = 0.5%
    • Total ~1.34%/yr.

Example 2: A Safe Harbor Profit Sharing 401k Plan with 55 participants and $2,500,000 plan asset total would cost:

  • Employer Fees:
    • TPA/RK flat fee: ~$2000/yr.
    • Individual fee for service items.
  • Employee Fees:
    • 0.6% from rF + 0.1% TPA/RK + 0.04% Custodian =0.74%
    • Average Investment Option Management Fee = 0.5%
    • Total ~1.24%/yr.

Would you like a proposal for your Retirement Plan?

 Fill out our form and we will get back to you within 1 business day with a proposal:

[contact-form-7 id=”10636″ title=”401k Plan Proposal Form”]

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