Estate Planning

Everyone has an estate. Without an estate plan, you will not have control over what happens to your assets when you die. The best time to plan is early, and we can help you create your estate plan as quickly and painlessly as possible.

General Estate Planning

Getting started early on your estate plan is almost never a bad idea. The process starts with drafting your will(s), trusts, and power of attorney. Doing this early on can provide you more control over your estate when you pass, all while minimizing legal fees and estate taxes for your beneficiaries. Don't wait until it's too late to start planning.

Advanced Estate Planning

Estate Agent Working with Clients

Wealth Transfer Optimization

Many elements factor into when and how wealth transfer occurs. We’re familiar with the estate tax landscape and how to navigate it to optimize your wealth transfer strategy for your beneficiaries. We can help you understand what type of trust is best for your particular needs.

Making Choice at Office of Estate Agent

Business Planning

Have a family business? You may want to keep your business run by family when you pass, or maybe you wish to sell it. We can help you sort through your options and the implications for each so that you have a succession plan that you’re confident in. 

Searching for real estate property, house or new home

Estate Equalization

How you choose to distribute your assets to your beneficiaries must consider valuation and liquidity of those assets. Our advisors are skilled in how to divide assets equally and fairly to heirs according to your wishes, all while accounting for financial and tax repercussions.  

Multi Generation Family Relaxing On Sofa At Home Together

Multi-Generation Planning

You want a plan that passes the multigenerational test – one that protects and optimizes wealth transfer across generations. This may require diligent future planning and communication with family. We’re here to guide the conversation and ensure you have your bases covered.

Young Asian Woman supporting handicapped mother

Special Needs & Eldercare Planning

If you have a family member or other loved one that has a disability or special need, we can help you build that consideration into your financial and estate plan.

Have a special needs child? Create a plan for their future.
Help your aging relatives prepare for the future.

Other Niche Estate Planning Needs

We are experienced and equipped to help you account for many different non-traditional estate planning scenarios, including but not limited to:

Geographic Estate Considerations

This may include planning across multiple states or countries that require specialized planning. 

non-traditional Family structures

This may include single parents, same-sex parents, adoptive parents, or other structures that could impact your estate plan 

non-traditional planning assumptions

Abnormally long/short life expectancies, growth/inflation assumptions, other uncommon variable permutations. 

We do not judge. We will help you plan how you want or need to.

How can rebel Financial help?

Building a Plan

Creating your estate plan starts with a well-defined financial plan. Building your financial plan first ensures that your decisions are in sync with your overarching financial goals. Using tools such as eMoney’s Decision Center and Estate Flow Chart, we can show you how different financial decisions you may make throughout your life can impact you and your estate. Learn more about rebel Financial’s financial planning services here.

Ongoing Guidance

Although we are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice, we offer ongoing guidance on how and when you need to engage in legal services. Consulting an estate attorney whenever you have a question can cause fees to quickly accumulate, and not every question you may have requires the advice of an attorney. 

Successful Completion of Meeting with Estate Agent
Subsidized & Concierge Legal Services - Estate Planning

Subsidized & Concierge Legal Services

Partnered with local Estate Attorney Arenstein & Andersen, you can receive subsidized legal services as a rebel Financial client.* We employ online tools such as EP Navigator to help you create estate documents to assist your wishes are accurately carried out. Whether using EP Navigator, A&A, or even your own attorney, we’ll offer concierge support and model your decisions out to help you visualize the impact of your legal decisions.

*We’re looking to expand our estate attorney network! Interested in becoming an affinity partner?

Organization & Planning

After creating your plan and drafting your legal estate documents, you can model out different techniques inside your Decision Center, organize your files and secure estate information using Everplans, and store your financial documents in your rFPW Vault. 

Get Started on Your Estate Plan

rebel Financial’s estate planning services are discounted and, in some cases, free to our clients depending on service level.