
We have provided the following information to provide a quick educational introduction to the following financial concepts. Please note that the following commentary and videos are intended to be educational in nature and not intended to be used as specific advice. You should consult your financial advisor, tax professional, and/or attorney before taking any action.

Learn How to Reduce Debt:

Many Americans struggle with debt and is the major impediment to wealth creation. This is the first step towards financial freedom and working your way towards wealth accumulation. We do not provide debt counseling or consolidation but we can provide referrals upon request to people, firms, and/or resources that may be able to help.

Learn How to Save for College:

Do you have children or grandchildren? A college education without an enourmous student loan burden is one of the greatest financial gifts you can give to them. There are many great ways to save and prepare to do this. Watch this video and then contact us if you would like more in-depth information or help in preparing your college savings plan.

Learn How to Save for Retirement:

Many Americans struggle with debt and is the major impediment to wealth creation.

Learn How to Choose a Financial Advisor:

Most people do not have a financial advisor yet most people would also agree that need help with their finances and long-term planning. So why the disconnect? Most of the time people just don’t know where to start or they believe that they do not have enough time. The following video can help you get started with guidance on how to choose an advisor.

Remember, if you have a good advisor and utilize them efficiently, it could save you countless hours of “do-it-yourself” planning and potentially prevent you from making costly planning or investment mistakes.

Learn What a Will is:

Learn more about this basic area of estate planning that most people neglect and then engage your legal professional to provide you the specifics.

Learn What a Trust is:

Learn a little more about these estate planning vehicles so that you can get a general idea of how a trust might be helpful. Then if you think you might benefit from the implementation of one of these legal instruments, engage your financial and legal professionals to provide you with advice to address your specific situation.

Learn What an ILIT is:

Dig deeper into this area of trusts to begin to learn more about removing assets from your estate and how it might benefit you.. This is a complex area of estate planning planning and you should consult your financial, tax, and legal professionals before taking any actions.

* rebel Financial LLC does not provide legal advice and you should consult your attorney before taking any action.
