rebel Fjord is powered by Pontera and is a new platform that will allow us to manage your portfolios more efficiently. This means we will be able to help you build more wealth through holistic planning, tax management, and consolidated reporting.
Retirement accounts can grow substantially larger when actively managed by financial advisors. rebel Fjord enables this growth by allowing advisors to manage and trade retirement accounts as part of a holistic portfolio.
While rebel Fjord is available to all levels of clients, it is a paid service charged at the same rate as your other accounts managed by rebel Financial. Unfortunately, we cannot debit the fee in the linked rebel Fjord account directly. Your fee must be debited out of an existing non-retirement account that rebel Financial manages for you.
rebel Financial is a Registered Investment Advisor that provides retirement planning, estate planning, financial planning, and investment management services to individual and institutional clients. To get a more detailed description of the company, its management, and practices, view our (form ADV, Part2A) and Disclosures.
Fiduciary & Fee-Only Financial Advisors and Planners
All websites created by the rF marketing team