
Plan for your Retirement and Protect your Future

Thousands of people just like you are retiring today, and thousands more tomorrow. And most will do so without enough financial security to pay for their retirement. But why? Learn how to plan for your retirement and start protecting your future today.

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It’s happening, and it’s happening right now. Today all across America, 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 years old, the age of retirement. Tomorrow, another 10,000, but only a few will retire with financial security. Most will not. Why? Because 95% of Americans haven’t saved enough during their 40 years of work to pay for their 20 years of retirement. Thirty-three percent have saved nothing at all.

If you’re counting on Social Security to bail you out, think again. Social Security provides enough to live around the poverty line. Many predict it won’t even be here when it’s your time to retire. What’s more, people are living longer than ever. You may need your retirement savings to last 30 years, maybe more, so what’s the solution?

It’s pretty simple. Spend less than you earn. Set a monthly budget, then pay yourself the first 15% and direct deposit it into your 401K, IRA, or retirement account. Then use the web to monitor your accounts and track your progress. If you do nothing else but pay yourself the first 15% of every paycheck, you’ll have a far better chance to live out your golden years in financial comfort.

The best time to start saving for your future is right now.