Trusts can benefit anyone who wants to manage how they leave their money to their family. A trust can control the who, what, when, where, and why after you’re gone. They are like containers — put your most important assets into the trust and appoint a trustee to manage it. With several different types of trusts available, make sure you work with your financial professional and your attorney to plan out the right kind of trust for you and your family.
A lot of people think trusts are only for the super wealthy. Not true. Trusts can benefit anyone who wants to manage how they leave their money to their family. A trust can give you control over who gets what and when, how they get it, and why.
How do trusts work? Trusts are like containers you can put things into. You, the grantor, can place assets like your house, life insurance policies, investments, and other possessions into a trust. These assets become property of the trust and are managed by your trustee. You appoint the trustee to ensure your wishes are carried out.
As grantor, you decide who receives the assets inside your trust. Typically, your spouse, your children, grandchildren, and charities of your choice are the beneficiaries who receive the assets held in trust.
When you create a trust, you determine how the funds inside your trust will be used and when they will be dispersed. For example, you may want to use assets in your trust to jump-start your children’s careers when they’re 25 or supplement their retirement when they turn 60 or pay college tuition expenses for your grandchildren or provide annual scholarships to your alma mater. Your appointed trustee ensures everything is managed according to your instructions.
It’s important to know there are different kinds of trust for different purposes. Some are designed to manage who receives your assets and when. Others may offer tax-planning benefits. Make sure you work with financial experts so that your trusts are properly structured to carry out your specific intentions.
Trust can offer you and your family many financial advantages. Talk with your advisor and an estate-planning attorney. Find out how trust can help you create a lasting legacy for those you love the most.
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