
A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List

A bucket plan can help you be better prepared for a comfortable retirement.


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John and Mary are nearing retirement and they have a lot of items on their bucket list.

Longer life expectancies mean John and Mary may need to prepare for two or even three decades of retirement.

How should they position their money?

    One approach is to segment your expenses into three buckets:

  • Basic living expense: food, rent, utilities, et cetera.
  • Discretionary spending: vacations, dining out, et cetera.
  • Legacy assets: for heirs and charities.

Next, prepare appropriate investments to each bucket, for instance, social security might be assigned to the basic living expenses bucket.

For the discretionary spending bucket you might consider investments that pay a steady dividend and that also offers the potential for growth.

Finally lists of legacy assets that you expect to pass on to your heirs and charities.

A bucket plan can help you be better prepared for a comfortable retirement.

Call today and we can develop a strategy that may help you put enough money in your buckets to complete all the items on your bucket list.