
Education and Experience Matter…

When choosing a financial advisor, it’s important that your choice is properly certified and has the best affiliations to provide you with the highest and most quality service. At rebel, our financial advisors go the extra mile to obtain certifications and obtain the very best affiliations in the financial business, including CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and AIF (Accredited Investment Fiduciary) designations. Below are designations with definitions so you know when you choose rebel, you’re choosing the best.

Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®)
is the non-profit certifying and standards-setting organization that administers the Certified Financial Planner certification program and oversees more than 73,970 professionals using the CFP certification in the United States.



Advisors who have earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation are able to immediately show that they are interested in and working towards the best interests of their clients. They have gone through training, met the qualifications, and passed the exam allowing use of the AIF designation.




The Chartered Financial Consultant® (ChFC®) credential was introduced in 1982 as an alternative to the CFP® mark. This designation has the same core curriculum as the CFP® designation, plus two or three additional elective courses that focus on various areas of personal financial planning.


A chartered life underwriter® (CLU®) is a professional designation for individuals who wish to specialize in life insurance and estate planning. Individuals must complete five core courses and three elective courses, and successfully pass all eight two-hour, 100-question examinations in order to receive the designation.