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gold rebel clientOf all the services that we offer only our Gold rebel clients are Full-Service clients of our firm.  Our Gold rebel service model is our highest level of service and probably the best value option because it includes so many services.  As such, we limit our Full-Service Clients to only 300 households so that we can always provide the high level of service that we’ve promised.

If you are looking to hire a financial advisor/planner for the long-term, want us to directly manage all of your assets, want a comprehensive plan, for us to help you implement everything, and/or want the highest level of service then the Gold rebel plan is for you.

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*Includes personal tax preparation for yourself and spouse only. Any other returns/preparations for children, trusts, and/or businesses will result in a bill for that extra work, but we do have good relationships and will negotiate your costs down.

**This feature/benefit will be available starting 1/1/2016 for our clients who are residents of Ohio. Maximum value of $2000 every four years. If your estate planning exceeds the maximum payable by our firm, your attorney will bill you the difference, which should only occur in the most complex situations.

***You must use LastPass, comply with our policy of non-custody, and hold all other available assets with us that are reasonably possible.

****Must be at our office or a webconference.

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The cost is $250/mo for Gold rebel clients. plus our asset management fee schedules below.  This subscription fee is currently waived if you have more than $250,000 in AUM
rF Fee Schedules:

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All other Outside Custodians

Hourly Rate


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Primary Custodians*

University 403b, 457b, and/or ARP Accounts


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*Preferred Custodians for NQ and IRA Accounts include TD Ameritrade, Jefferson National, and TIAA CREF.
*Discounts may be applied where applicable and when warranted, at the discretion of rebel Financial LLC.

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Because we are limiting our Full-Service clients to only 300 due to our current service capacity, we must enforce a minimum client requirement to balance supply and demand.  

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1. Select the “Schedule with us” button below.


2. You will be re-directed to a online scheduling page where you may book your initial appointment immediately (Choose the “Prospective Client” option).


3. Once you book your appointment, you will be redirected to a short, new client questionnaire (2 minutes to complete).


4. We will contact you before our initial meeting, within 2 business days, to discuss your situation briefly and supply you with the information that you will need to collect and bring with you to your first appointment.


5. 1st Appointment: Is basically an appointment for you to interview us to see if you’d like to hire us and an opportunity for us to do the same to make sure that we will have a productive relationship.


6. If you decide to hire us and we accept you as a client, then we will move forward with the financial planning and asset transfers necessary for your unique situation.

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