
Proxy Vote Update: Conagra Foods, Inc.

Below are the resources for and the results of our recent Proxy Vote on behalf of our clients:
Proxy Materials: rF Voting results:
  1. Vote for the election of of the following nominees:
    1. Mogens C. Bay – For
    2. Thomas K. Brown – For
    3. Stephen G. Butler – For
    4. Steven F. Goldstone – For
    5. Joie A. Gregor – For
    6. Rajive Johri – For
    7. W.G Jurgensen – For
    8. Richard H. Lenny – For
    9. Ruth Ann Marshall – For
    10. Gary M. Rodkinl – Against (Conflict of Interest).
    11. Andre J. Schindler – For
    12. Kenneth E. Stinson – For
  2. Approval of the ConAgra Foods, Inc. 2014 Stock Plan: – Against (Awards are excessive).
  3. Approval of the ConAgra Foods, Inc. 2014 Executive Incentive Plan: Against (Awards are excessive).
  4. Ratification of the appointment of our independent auditor for fiscal 2015: – For
  5. Approval , on a non-binding advisory basis, of our named executive officer compensation: Against (First of all, 3 years is not “Long-Term”.  Overall, compensation is excessive and not in-line with long-term shareholder value.  Compensation should be adjusted for company performance minus industry performace and adjusted to reflect how well management did against the general economic performace to calculate what their true value was above a standard).
  6. Stockholder Proposal: Bylaw Change in Regard to Vote-Counting:– For

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