
Your DNA Test: Make sure your life insurance will protect your family.

If you have a family that relies on your income, it’s critical to know what their needs would be in the event of your death.

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39% of men and 43% of women say they have no life insurance. If you have a family that relies on your income it’s critical to know what their needs would be in the event of your death.

To get a better idea, take a DNA test or Detailed Needs Analysis. A DNA test looks at your needs and obligations and then subtracts your liquid assets.

    Short term, how much cash will it take to cover funeral expenses, final medical bills and any outstanding debts such as credit cards.
    Longer term, what will it cost your family to maintain its current lifestyle. Consider housing, food, clothing, and extras like travel and entertainment. Next add up potential obligations. What new commitments may come in the future? These can include college funding and caring for aging parents.
    Take all of these costs and subtract your current liquid assets, the money you can get to right away and you may get an idea about the amount of life insurance coverage you might need.

If something happens to you, do you want the people you love to be protected? It may be time for a DNA test.

Give us a call and schedule a review today.